Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Women Love a Dick

Congratulations on letting your curiosity get the better of you. I was referring to the personality trait held by some men, rather than the phallus. If you are searching for the latter perhaps try this site.

Let's continue shall we:

Perhaps I’ve been jaded by the Gold Coast, Australia culture, where even the most genuine of women tend to get caught up in the facade of superficiality, and a false impression of what a ‘man’ is.

I’ve built some amazing friendships since my move here, and am surrounded by some of the most beautiful women in the world, inside and out. (How can you not love a community that spends 80% of the year in their swimsuit or shorts and thongs - Flip-Flops in N. America – this isn’t Brazil).

 It is no secret that many women are attracted to 'dickheads'. Cocky, brash, testosterone filled 'dickheads'.
Even when I was at my most athletic and in my prime; training Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu 6 days a week, taking MMA fights, pumping iron, and hitting the night clubs, I always considered myself a gentleman. Don’t get me wrong, I’m sure my friends can tell you about the many times I’ve come off as a dick:

 Breaking up with a girl during the movie “Titanic’ (it surprisingly made her want me more)...
"We need to talk"
...dating the friend of a girl I was originally interested in, only to realize the ‘girl of interest’ was actually into me in the first place (hint for the guys: Don’t breakup with the friend thinking your true love interest is going to jump into your arms. There’s a girl code you might not know about. Best girl-friends don’t usually date the guy who just dumped their best friend. You will be left a sad, lonely, confused guy).

But, these are isolated incidents, exceptions to my rule. Not the the Modus Operandi of todays typical 20 and 30-something male (stereotyping). 

I’m talking about the 80/20 rule of 'dick'. 80% of the time he’s a 'dickhead'. The other 20% he's a 'dickhead' in waiting.

Ladies, here’s a hint for you:

If you date a guy JUST because he drives a nice car, has money, like his social status, or has a “sexy accent”. You’re being superficial. 

If you are constantly giving excuses for "your man" saying “he’s not like this when it’s just him and I”, or "he only gets this way when he drinks”, or “around the guys”. He’s a 'dickhead'. He’s probably not going to change.

It’s no secret from my past blogs I’m trying to figure out my mojo again.

Of course I acknowledge I’m a little bit eccentric at times. And, perhaps I’ll look back this passage in a year and say “what a dick” (see how I flipped who the real 'dickhead' is). 
But, I’m going to throw caution to the wind and lay all my chips on the table and bet that in one year I’ll be with a smart, sophisticated, funny and beautiful lady who likes my canted humour, dashes of poetry, honesty, and the ability to choke someone unconscious in 3 seconds (had to save a little tough guy persona).

If you are of the female persuasion and are considering some “dickhead’ reform, look no further than the guy reading a book sitting at your local coffee shop, or your “dickhead’s” attractive friend who doesn’t feel the need to show everyone how tough he is, but rather shows the strength of his character instead. 

The next time you talk to a guy, block out the sound of his voice, don’t focus on his physicality, and look straight into his eyes. That’s where you’ll truly see his heart. The glimmer of his soul.

And guys, the moment you realize that women are filled with insecurities, no matter how beautiful. And if you stay true and are confident in who you are; then you will find that true love of your life (I’ve left out the word ‘one’ leading into true love -  this guy deserves another shot at success). 

Endnote: Ladies, ignore the comments of 'searching for soul in the eyes' if you’re just looking to get laid. By all means, look at his muscles; get wooed by his accent. But just remember, that guy that you just walked by with the soul in his eyes, just might be the love of your life.  


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